Luther in Hero Wars

Luther Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .

Luther's Main Attributes

Position Frontline
Role Tank, Control
Main Stat Strength
Faction Honor
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2024 Tier List
Hero Overall Tier List S
Hydra Tier List B

Luther in Hero Wars Alliance: Strategies, Skills, and Synergies

Luther is one of the most beloved and popular Guardians in Hero Wars Alliance. His versatility and unique skills make him a valuable addition to any team, especially when combined with other heroes from the Honor faction, such as Tristan, Artemis, Fafnir, and Galahad. Let's explore his skills, strategies, and how he complements these heroes.

Luther's Skills:

1st Phrase - Stuns Enemies:

2nd Omen - Advance on the Enemy Team:

3rd Geena - Fire Wave:

4th Doctrine of Faith - Increase in Magic Defense:

Usage Strategies:

Synergies with Heroes of Honor:

Luther is a versatile hero with unique abilities that make him a valuable addition to any team. By understanding his skills, usage strategies, and synergies with other heroes of the Honor faction, you can maximize his potential and dominate the battlefield in Hero Wars Alliance.

Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Advances into the enemy team and deals heavy damage to backline supports
  • Deals damage and stuns enemies
  • Increases magic defense

Negative Points

  • Advance and leave the team without a tank
  • Must be used together with a second tank
  • Faceless removes him from the enemy's team

Stats Evolution Priority:

1. Armor Increasing Luther's armor ensures he can withstand more damage, making him a formidable frontline tank.
2. Health Boosting Luther's health pool enhances his survivability, allowing him to endure prolonged engagements.
3. Strength Strengthening Luther's base strength empowers his abilities, making him more potent in both offense and defense.
4. Magical Defense Enhancing Luther's magical defense further fortifies his resilience against magic-based attacks.
5. Physical Attack While not Luther's primary focus, increasing his physical attack can still augment his damage output, especially in combination with certain abilities.

Glyphs Priority:

1. Armor Prioritize glyphs that augment Luther's armor, reinforcing his defensive capabilities.
2. Health Glyphs enhancing Luther's health pool should be the next priority to bolster his survivability.
3. Strength Strengthening glyphs can further enhance Luther's offensive and defensive prowess.
4. Magical Defense Glyphs improving Luther's magical defense provide additional protection against magical threats.
5. Physical Attack While not the highest priority, glyphs that increase Luther's physical attack can still contribute to his overall effectiveness in combat.

Artifacts Priority:

1. Book Prioritize Luther with the book artifact to increase his armor and magic defense stats and effectiveness in battle.
2. Weapon (Armor) Prioritize weapon artifact for Luther to enhance his armor and offensive capabilities while maintaining his defensive integrity.
3. Ring Level up the ring artifact that complements Luther's strengths and addresses any weaknesses in his stats.

Skins Priority:

1. Armor Choose skin armor first for Luther to enhance his appearance while increasing his defensive capabilities.
2. Health Prioritize skins that emphasize Luther's health increases on the battlefield.
3. Strength Level up default skin that accentuate Luther's strength and power, reflecting his role as a formidable frontline tank.
4. Magical Defense Magical defense skin conveys Luther's resistance to magical attacks, showcasing his resilience against magical threats.
5. Physical Attack While not the primary focus, consider skins that highlight Luther's offensive capabilities, demonstrating his versatility in combat.
Luther with stellar skin, Hero Wars Mobile.
Luther with stellar skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Luther vs Hydra

Luther isn't a great hero for Hydras, but as a tank he can be support at hydra for secondary teams.

Luther in Battles

Strong Against

  • Phobos, Iris, Cornelius, Judge, Isaac, Astrid and Lucas, Martha


  • Faceless, Cascade

Cascade and Faceless have the ability to pull Luther back to the enemy team.

Luther: Best Teams Guide

Luther is a versatile hero in Hero Wars Alliance, capable of fitting into various team compositions to maximize his effectiveness on the battlefield. Here are some of the best team compositions featuring Luther:

1. Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Galahad, Luther:

This team composition offers a balanced mix of damage, control, and tankiness. Tristan and Artemis provide damage, Fafnir offers support, Galahad acts as a secondary tank, and Luther serves as the primary tank and crowd control specialist.

2. Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Julius, Luther:

Julius adds additional shield and healing to the team, synergizing well with Luther's abilities to disrupt enemy formations.

3. Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Cleaver:

Cleaver brings additional disruption and crowd control to the team, allowing Luther to capitalize on the chaos created.

4. Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Chabba:

Chabba offers strong support tank, complementing Luther's frontline presence and enhancing the team's sustainability.

5. Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Astaroth:

Astaroth serves as the primary tank, allowing Luther to focus more on crowd control and disruption while Fafnir adds damage and shield.

6. Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Galahad, Astaroth:

This composition provides a sturdy frontline with Astaroth and Galahad, allowing Luther to control the battlefield while Tristan and Artemis deal damage from the backline.

7. Aidan, Jorgen, Kayla, Tristan, Luther:

This team focuses on sustaining and controlling the battlefield with Jorgen's support stealing enemies' energy, allowing Luther and Kayla to jump to disrupt enemy formations.

8. Aidan, Yasmine, Kayla, Tristan, Luther:

Yasmine adds damage to the team while Aidan provides healing support, allowing Luther to maintain frontline presence and control.

9. Fafnir, Artemis, Mojo, Tristan, Luther:

Mojo's abilities to buff and debuff enemies complement Luther's crowd control, while Fafnir and Artemis provide damage from the backline.

10. Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Aurora:

Aurora enhances the team's survivability with her dodging abilities, allowing Luther to stay on the frontline longer and exert more control over the battlefield.

11. Jet, Sebastian, Tristan, Galahad, Luther:

Jet and Sebastian provide additional crit hit damage and control, while Galahad acts as a secondary tank alongside Luther, creating a durable frontline.

These team compositions offer different strategies and synergies, but all of them leverage Luther's strengths as a frontline tank and crowd control specialist. Experiment with these teams to find the one that best suits your playstyle and the challenges you face in Hero Wars Alliance.

Luther's Guide Conclusion

In summary, Luther is a notable example of how adjustments to skills can dramatically transform a hero's effectiveness. His skill change, which occurred a year ago, elevated his status from a common character to one of the most beloved and popular guardians among players.

Furthermore, Luther's unique ability to alter his own basic characteristics, such as increasing his Magical Defense through the Doctrine of Faith skill, makes him an outstanding choice for teams in need of a resilient tank. With his high Magical Defense, Luther can absorb a considerable amount of magical damage, while his crowd control abilities make him a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Over time, Luther has proven to be a valuable addition to a variety of team compositions, thanks to his versatility and ability to adapt to different gameplay strategies. His ability to turn the tide by leaping into the opposing team and drawing enemies' attention to himself is an example of how he can influence the course of a battle.

Video suggestion

Video: Top 7 Tank, Hero Wars.

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